Paradizia Swimwear es una marca reconocida de vestidos de baño diseñados en Colombia.Paradizia Swimwear es una marca que nació en el 2008 y que cada colección de esta marca es un cuento de fantasía y ofrece opciones diferentes para la linea femenina, kids y complementos.
Tuve la oportunidad de entrevistar a “Jackie Rengifo “ la directora creativa de Paradizia Swimwear , ella nos conto un poco acerca de su ultima colección que refleja el mundo de las sirenas y un poco de la marca como tal. Los vestidos de baño de esta marca son muy reconocidos pues su calidad es excelente y su diseño innovador.
Paradizia Swimwear is a brand of bathing suits designed in Colombia.Paradizia Swimwear is a brand born in 2008 and each collection of this brand is a fantasy tale, and offers different options like a female line, kids line and accessories.
I had the opportunity to interview “Jackie rengifo ” the creative director from Paradizia swimwear, she told us about their last collection that reflects the mermaid world and also more info of the brand. The bathing suits of this brand are well known because of its quality and its innovative designs.
Espero les guste…
FFN (Fashion FaB NeWs): Hi everybody, I´m Lina Mayorga from Fashion FaB NeWs.
I´m in ExpoColombia International Miami with Jackie Rengifo , the creative director of Paradizia swimwear.
FFN (Fashion FaB NeWs): Hi, How are You?
JR (Jackie Rengifo) : Very good,Thank you so much.
FFN: How do you feel after that wonderful runway ?
JR: It´s amazing the way that Miami received us , We presented our last collection and I feel so good and happy for having showed it here.
FFN: We saw a lot of color, a big mix of prints. Tell me more about these.
JR: I´m going to explain to you what is the meaning of our brand .Paradizia is a brand that wants to set up a mentality in the women and it´s that women could feel youth, despite their age.They won´t feel that youthful goes in age ,but it goes in spirit. Then we propose a brand for them that always makes to feel that you can meet your needs and tastes with all the shapes that we can offer to you.
FFN: Excellent and tell me more about the beautiful motif over the head of all models.Which was the main theme of your collection? Besides all that you already told me.
JR: Sure, the stylism that we chose was the sirens. All our collections are always based on magical tales and this time were the sirens and the deep sea, we proposed three moments: when the siren is more natural, then when she is immersed and find those hidden treasures ,and ends with all the jewels decorating their bodies.
FFN: Where can we see more about Paradizia Swimwear?
FFN: Thanks, Could you please send a greeting to our readers of Fashion FaB ?
JK: Of course,Big greetings to everyone. I love that you have accompanied us and I hope you can know us more.
FFN: Thank you,Do not forget to check the Paradizia webpage. I´ll give you info and tell you more about it, from ExpoColombia Miami International ,Lina Mayorga.
Paradizia Swimwear stand at ExpoColombia International.
El stand de Paradizia en ExpoColombia Internacional.
The perfect Sirens world
El mundo perfecto de las Sirenas
No olviden revisar todo acerca de esta marca de vestidos de baño.Se que les gustará.
Do not forget to check out everything about this brand of swimwear. I know that you would like it.
Thank You - Gracias
"Paradizia is a brand that wants to set up a mentality in the women and it´s that women could feel youth, despite their age."
ReplyDeleteESO!!! If we could only get all designers to think alike...
Gonna keep an eye out on this brand y gracias for giving us "not physically young" folks a designer to go to.
Me encantan los colores :))
it was awesome!!